Roberto Bolaño

Macedonio Fernández

Cae la calesa y la cadera por el hueco de la eternidad.
Por el surco por el grito del pajarraco que es el surco.
¿Y tan despreocupado el espejo del viejo ángel?
Como una ciudad en el confín es el hueco de la bondad.

Macedonio Fernández

Horse cart and haunches fall headlong through the hole of eternity.
Through the ditch through the screech of the vulture that is the ditch.
And so carefree the aged angel’s mirror?
As a city on the confines is the hole of kindness.

SOURCE: Bolaño, Roberto. “Macedonio Fernández” in “San Roberto de Troya” / “Saint Roberto of Troy,” in The Unknown University, complete poetry in Spanish with English translations by Laura Healy (New York: New Directions, 2013), pp. 190-191.

The Robot / El Robot by Roberto Bolaño

Science fiction poems by Roberto Bolaño

Ferdydurke in Catalan
by Roberto Bolaño

Mi vida en los tubos de supervivencia /
My Life in the Tubes of Survival

by Roberto Bolaño

Review: Roberto Bolaño’s ‘The Spirit of Science Fiction’
by Ralph Dumain

From “Prologue to the Never-Seen”
by Macedonio Fernández

Toward A Theory of the Novel
by Macedonio Fernández

Macedonio: Selected Writings in Translation

Theoretical Fables: Conclusions (Excerpt)
by Alicia Borinsky

The Ideal Revolution: Romanticism and Its Legacy: V (Macedonio Fernández)
by Malcolm K. Read

The First Good Meta-Novel?:
Review by R. Dumain

Excursus on Bachelard’s The Philosophy of No (Excerpt)
by Maire Jaanus Kurrik

Review: Word-Rainy Days
by R. Dumain

Jorge Luis Borges: Selected Study Materials on the Web

‘World Literature’: A Bibliography


Roberto Bolaño - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Borges, Bolaño and the Return of the Epic
by Aura Estrada, trans. T. G. Huntington

Xul Solar @ Ĝirafo

The Museum of Eterna's Novel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Macedonio Fernández - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Macedonio Fernández: A Museum of Possible Literatures"
by Kate Bowen, The Argentina Independent, 29 December 2011

A Mini Intro to Macedonio Fernandez

Macedonio Fernández: The Man Who Invented Borges
by Marcelo Ballvé

WJ and Borges Again: The Riddle of the Correspondence with Macedonio Fernández
by Jaime Nubiola
(Streams of William James, Volume 3, Issue 2, Fall 2001)

Unwriting the Author:
Affect and Authorship in Macedonio Fernández, Felisberto Hernández, and Clarice Lispector

by Camille Jordan Sutton
(PhD dissertation, Spanish, Vanderbilt University, 2014)

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