The Unknown University

Roberto Bolaño


Nota de los herederos del autor / Note from the author’s heirs vii


La novela-nieve / The Snow-Novel 5

Guiraut de Bornelh 69

Calles de Barcelona / Streets of Barcelona 81

En la sala de lecturas del Infierno / In the Reading Room of Hell 127

San Roberto de Troya / Saint Roberto of Troy 157

Nada malo me ocurrirá / Nothing Bad Will Happen to Me 219

Tu lejano corazón / Your Distant Heart 269


Tres textos / Three Texts 291

Gente que se aleja / People Walking Away 303

Iceberg 437

Prosa del otoño en Gerona / Prose from Autumn in Gerona 449

Manifiestos y posiciones / Manifestos and Positions 521


Poemas perdidos / Lost Poems 557

Nueve poemas / Nine Poems 575

Mi vida en los tubos de supervivencia / My Life in the Tubes of Survival 599

Un final feliz / A Happy Ending 787

[Notas del autor, sin título] / [Author’s notes, untitled] 813

Breve historia del libro / Brief history of the book, by Carolina López 817

Index of English titles 823

Índice de títulos en español 829

Translator’s note 835

SOURCE: Bolaño, Roberto. The Unknown University, complete poetry in Spanish with English translations by Laura Healy. New York: New Directions, 2013. [xix], 835 pp.

Some noteworthy poems I have singled out [with topics of interest in brackets]:

Amenecer / Daybreak 6 / 7

“Dentro de mil años no quedará nada” / “In a thousand years nothing will be left” [historical amnesia] 18 / 19

Chinese Poet in Barcelona / Chinese Poet in Barcelona 26 /27

Según Alain Resnais / According to Alain Resnais [Lovecraft] 44 / 45

“No esperes nada del combate” / “Expect Nothing of Combat” 74 / 75

“La pesadilla empieza por allí, en ese punto” / “The nightmare begins over there, right there” 80 / 81

Una lectura de Conrad Aiken / A Reading of Conrad Aiken [poetry, sex, Descartes] 92 / 93

El Greco [sex] 96 / 97

“Ella se saca los pantalones en la oscuridad” / “She takes her pants off in the dark” [sex] 144 / 145

Una estatua / A Statue 170 / 171

Para Rosa Lentini, que desea ser adulta y responsable / For Rosa Lentini, Who Wants to be Grown Up and Responsible [Einstein] 194 / 195

“Un Tao . . . Un Tao . . . Nuestro pequeño Darío” / “A Tao . . . A Tao . . . Our little Darío” 204 / 205

“No importa hacia donde te arrastre el viento” / “It doesn’t matter where the wind drags you” 212 / 213

El dinero / Money [jazz] 218 / 219

“Todos los comercios hoy estaban cerrados” / “All the stores were closed today” [Coltrane] 222 / 223

“Es de noche y estoy en la zona alta” / “It’s nighttime and I’m in the Zona Alta” [the unknown university] 244 / 245

“Escucho a Barney Kessel” / “I listen to Barney Kessel” [The Invention of Morel] 254 / 255

“De este lado del río” / “From this side of the river” [text / author] 464 / 465

“El caleidoscopio observado” / “The kaleidoscope observed” [geometry, woman] 514 / 515

“Esta esperanza” / “This hope isn’t something” [the Unknown University] 516 / 517

“Procura no dormir, Roberto . . .” / “Try not to sleep, Roberto, I tell myself . . .” [horror flicks] 574 / 575

Los detectives helados / The Frozen Detectives 608 / 609

Los hombres duros no bailan / Tough Guys Don’t Dance: A Framework of Shadows on the American Continent [Norman Mailer] 610-613

Lupe [sex] 624 / 625

Lisa [sex, Lovecraft] 628-631

La Francesa [sex, literature, philosophy] 634-639

El gusano / The Worm [Mexico, travel, poverty, poetry] 648-655

La Luz / The Light 660 / 661

La gran fosa / The Great Pit [surrealism] 674-681

Mi vida en los tubos de supervivencia / My Life in the Tubes of Survival [flying saucers] 682-685

He vuelto a ver a mi padre / I Saw My Father Again [William Blake] 700-703

Los blues taoístas del Hospital Valle Hebrón / The Taoist Blues of Valle Hebrón Hospital 704-707

Las enfermeras / The Nurses 708 / 709

El fantasma de Edna Lieberman / The Ghost of Edna Lieberman 710-713

Los neochilenos / The Neochileans [767: UFO] 748-779

Macedonio Fernández
poem by Roberto Bolaño

The Robot / El Robot
by Roberto Bolaño

Science fiction poems
by Roberto Bolaño

Ferdydurke in Catalan
by Roberto Bolaño

Mi vida en los tubos de supervivencia /
My Life in the Tubes of Survival

by Roberto Bolaño

Review: Roberto Bolaño’s ‘The Spirit of Science Fiction’
by Ralph Dumain

Advice from 1 Disciple of Marx to 1 Heidegger Fanatic (excerpts)
by Mario Santiago Papasquiaro

‘World Literature’: A Bibliography


Roberto Bolaño - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Borges, Bolaño and the Return of the Epic
by Aura Estrada, trans. T. G. Huntington

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