Rainer Maria Rilke
On Being and the Transitory

Transitoriness is everywhere plunging into a profound Being. And therefore all the forms of the here and now are not merely to be used in a time limited way, but so far as we can, instated within those superior significances in which we share. Not, though, in the Christian sense (from which I more and more passionately withdraw), but, in a purely terrestrial, deeply terrestrial, blissfully terrestrial consciousness, to instate what is here seen and touched within the wider, within the widest orbit—that is what is required. Not within a Beyond, whose shadow darkens the earth, but within a whole, within the whole . . . For our task is to stamp this provisional, perishing earth into ourselves so deeply, so painfully and passionately, that its being may rise again, “invisibly”, in us. We are the bees of the Invisible.

SOURCE: Rilke, Rainer Maria. Duino Elegies [German, 1923; English, 1939], the German text, with an English translation, introduction, and commentary by J. B. Leishman and Stephen Spender (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1963), from a letter of November 13, 1925 to Rilke’s Polish translator Witold von Hulewicz [Halewicz] on the meaning of the Elegies, p.128. Also: London: Hogarth, 1963, p. 157.

Robert Zend (Hungarian-Canadian writer, 1929-1985):
Dedications, Works, Links

The Bitch of Buchenwald
by Julius Balbin,
in Esperanto with English translations
by Charlz Rizzuto

In memoriam dr. K.H.G.
de István Örkény, trad. L. Tárkony

Divorce Court
poem by R. Dumain


Duino Elegies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Witold Hulewicz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We are bees of the invisible…
Rilke from a letter to Halewicz

(Ars, Arte et Labore)

The Rainer Maria Rilke Archive

Letters To A Young Poet,
Letter 2 (April 5, 1903)
by Rainer Maria Rilke,
translated by Stephen Mitchel

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